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Tools and Supplies to use a combination of traps to control coddling moths
1 Pheromone Traps
2 Insecticide Spray
3 Sticky Traps
4 Lures
5 Pruning Shears
6 Fruit Bagging Bags
7 Vacuum Traps
8 Handheld Bug Zapper
9 Garden Sprayer
10 Protective Clothing

How to use a combination of traps to control coddling moths

Effective Coddling Moth Control: Combining Traps for Best Results

Coddling moths can be a serious problem for fruit growers and can cause significant damage to crops. One effective way to control these pests is by using a combination of traps. Here are the steps to use a combination of traps to control coddling moths:

Step 1: Identify the type of fruit tree that is affected by coddling moths. Coddling moths are known to attack apples, pears, quinces, and walnuts.

Step 2: Purchase pheromone traps and sticky traps. Pheromone traps are designed to attract male coddling moths and prevent them from mating with females, while sticky traps capture both male and female moths.

Step 3: Assemble the pheromone traps according to the manufacturer's instructions. These traps typically consist of a plastic container with a sticky surface and a pheromone lure.

Step 4: Hang the pheromone traps in the affected fruit tree. Place the traps at a height of around 4-5 feet above the ground, as this is the height at which the male moths fly.

Step 5: Assemble the sticky traps according to the manufacturer's instructions. These traps consist of a sticky surface that captures both male and female moths.

Step 6: Hang the sticky traps in the affected fruit tree. Place the traps at a height of around 6-7 feet above the ground, as this is the height at which the female moths fly.

Step 7: Monitor the traps regularly. Check the traps every week or so to see how many moths have been caught. This will give you an idea of the severity of the infestation and help you determine if you need to take further action.

Step 8: Remove the captured moths. Dispose of the captured moths by placing them in a plastic bag and sealing it tightly. This will prevent the moths from escaping and mating with other moths.

Step 9: Repeat the process. Replace the pheromone lures and sticky traps as needed to maintain their effectiveness. This will help ensure that you are controlling the coddling moth population throughout the growing season.

By following these steps and using a combination of traps, you can effectively control coddling moths and protect your fruit trees from damage.

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